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Porta laminada LISS
Col·lecció: Replica de FL.
Porta d'estructura alveolar, de 44mm, disponible en acabats sintètics de nervis verticals.
Les tapetes són lliurades amb el mateix acabat que la porta.
Altres versions: Disponible amb panells llisos, amb insercions d'alumini o vidrieres.
Marc: * FLAT(frontissa invisible): Coplanar pel costat d'empènyer (exterior)
Gruix de panell: 44mm.
Llum de premarc: L+90mm x H+50mm. (Per ex. porta de 800 x 2100mm, la llum de premarc és 890 x 2150mm)
Material: MDF hidrófug.
Ferramenta: El pany i les frontisses es poden escollir, sense recàrrec, en Llautó brillant, Cromat setinat i Cromat brillant.
Es lliura sense manetes. El forat de la manetes es troba a 1050mm del terra.
Embalatge: Es venen individualment.
We deliver worldwire.
For UK sales, we ship free all orders up £250 (250€ / $275). Orders less of £250, we apply a transport cost fee. For UK, we apply £18,75.
We deliver in 4 days by GLS / PARCEL FORCE, all stock orders received before 3pm, can be shipped de the same day.
For international shipment, you can see transports fee in your basket.
We have two return policies depending on the type of product purchased:
* All orders for products in stock, the customer has 30 days to return them. The purchase amount will be refunded to the customer by the same payment's method used in the purchase. Transport's cost will not be refunded.
* All orders for non stocked products, it will be studied by VALLFER and by the manufacturer of the product, we reserve the right to accept or reject the return, and apply, if it's necessary, a surcharge for the costs of administration or product's repacking. If you want to be informed previously about a specific product returns politicy, you can contact us by email vallfer@vallfer.com.
All return informations is shown in our Sales Conditions, if you have any doubt you contact us vallfer@vallfer.com or (+44) 0800 048 8080.